Why Become a Utah Green School

Utah Green School’s is a statewide program that wants to recognize schools for sustainability efforts. 

Green School efforts can often provide numerous benefits and align with current school policies. Some benefits include: 

  • Reduced operational costs 
  • Promoting the health and education of students 
  • Conservation of limited resources 
  • Strengthening your community 
  • Providing students leadership and mentoring opportunities 

Opportunities for greening your school can include using LED lightbulbs, installing low flush toilets, incorporating more outdoor education. You’re likely already doing many of these things and we’d love to recognize you for your work! 

Studies show that increased outdoor time for students can help boost the immune system, and provide students with new ways to learn key concepts. Project Learning Tree features a number of free lessons appropriate for all grade levels. 

The sky is always the limit when it comes to ways to make your school more sustainable, but we recommend identifying a few key areas where you can make meaningful changes throughout your school. 

Finally, USEE understands that more than ever teachers, administrators, and students are burnt out. While we have worked to redo the application process, we are still asking for more from our teachers, students, and administrators. USEE is here to help you succeed throughout the application process, we have free office hours set up, and are always available to answer any questions. 

Please contact David, director@usee.org, with any questions.